Educational Technology

educational technology

Effective use of educational technology is vital to solving many of our current educational challenges. This section of provides resources to help teachers and trainers learn about educational technology that can improve teaching and learning.

Effective learning must be the driving force behind technology integration. We must begin with an educational need and then look towards technology for potential solutions. The needs are abundant - although often we overlook them because our views of effective learning are inherently biased by our culture and previous educational experiences.

Mobile Learning

Distributed Learning

~This section is under construction~

  • Teaching online
  • Review of learning management systems (LMS)
  • Free Learning Management Software ( / / eduportals (k-12))
  • Distance Education


Finding Creative Solutions

Even though technology is essential to solving educational challenges, the most effective solutions come from creativity, not technology. In many schools and learning institutions (even in low-performing areas) there is an abundance of technology, but it is not used in ways that will make an impact. Knowing the resources that are available isn't enough. We must find ways to use these resources to truly address the learner's needs.

Educational Software (under construction)

Recommended Educational Resources

Instructional Technology Presentations


Moral Dimensions of Education (John Goodlad):

  • Enculturate the young in a social and political democracy
  • Provide access to knowledge to all students
  • Practice a nurturing pedagogy
  • Ensure responsible stewardship of schools

Education Technology

Excellent Site for multimedia integration

EPIC 2014 - This clip shows an interesting view of the dangers of educational technology

eGranary project (coming soon)




© 2007