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Educational Blogs

As an educator or trainer, subscribing to blogs can be an excellent way to keep up with all of the many changes that are happening in the field. Hearing the ideas and challenges of other instructors can help improve your own teaching as well as save some re-inventing of the wheel. The following is a quick guide to get started with educational blogs.

I. Get an Bloglines Account

The first step is go create a Bloglines account. Bloglines is a free site that allows you to compile all of your blog subscriptions in one central location. In other words, instead of having to visit each blog every day to find out what new postings have been made, you can simply add the URL of the blogs to your Bloglines account and it will automatically go out and check the blogs for you (using a technology called RSS). That way all you have to do is log into Bloglines and you will see all of the new postings on all of the blogs you have subscribed to. Click on the logo above to go to Bloglines.


II. Subscribe to Blogs

Once you have an Bloglines account, you need to tell Bloglines which blogs you want to read. Here is a list of recommended education blogs that you may want to subscribe to. Remember that even blogs that are not specifically related to teaching can have some useful ideas that could be applied to learning.



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