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Education Podcasts

podcastsPodcasts are like blogs, but instead of reading a text post, you can listen to an audio recording. The name comes from the fact that many people choose to download their podcasts to iPods for convenience. But podcasts can be heard on any mp3 player or even just using your computer with a set of headphones or speakers.

Recommended Education Podcasts


Video Podcasts

Video PodCasts are essentially the same thing as a regular PodCast, but they also include video. These are useful for people who listen to podcasts on video iPods or computers. We are currently reviewing several video podcasts and will provide the links to recommended video podcasts soon.


Making Your Own Podcast

Making a podcast can be done in several ways. Perhaps the easiest is to use a service called (you need a password to enter). If you don't want to pay for their service, you can use Audacity (a free recording software) to record the PodCast and then upload it to your blog site (like

Related Links

APA Style Guide

Digital Video Dimension Tool

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