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Principles of Beautiful Web Design

Tired of making web sites that work absolutely perfectly but just don't look nice? The Principles of Beautiful Web Design is a simple, easy-to-follow guide, illustrated with plenty of full-color examples, this book will lead you through the process of creating great designs from start to finish. Good design principles are not rocket science, and using the information contained in this book will help you create stunning web sites.

Don't Make me Think

Using an attractive mix of full-color screen shots, cute cartoons and diagrams, and informative sidebars, the book keeps your attention and drives home some crucial points. Much of the content is devoted to proper use of conventions and content layout, and the "before and after" examples are superb. Topics such as the wise use of rollovers and usability testing are covered using a consistently practical approach.

About this site...

The goal of WideOpenDoors is to provide useful resources for web designers. The sections of focusing on teaching and learning have been moved to This site formerly had resources about instructional design (the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of instruction). These pages have now been moved to

History of Instructional Design | PIDT Conference

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